the registered rules

think of these as the Equal Care co-operative's DNA... If there's any inconsistency between the bylaws and these rules, the rules win out

the original, signed rules of incorporation

We start with the rules. You can download the full document by clicking on the link above.

The Rules are the basis of our written agreements about power, decision-making and values. Everyone is affected by these rules because they define how we work. This is regardless of whether or not they are members of the co-operative.

Why are they important?

Because bad rules can do bad things: they can exclude people, give too much power to one group and create poor culture. If members of our co-operative don't know the Rules, they lose access to power and decision-making.

They're really, really long.

We know! They're also very excluding because they're long and there's a lot of legalese that we're not allowed to change. We have created an audio file of each chapter for listening in small doses (you'll soon be able to find these at the top of this page).

We have also focussed on the most important and relevant parts of the Rules and put them in the sub-headings for this guide. Where you see words in quotation marks, those paragraphs have been lifted directly from the Rules.

We'll be adding them to video, with sub-titles and producing an Easy Read version too.

Can I still be a member even if I don't read the original rules?

Yes, of course you can (although if you are able to read long documents, we really encourage you to read through them at least once). Please tell us how you prefer to process information and we shall do our level best to adapt.

Last updated