process roles

these are the roles that keep the co-operative healthy, inclusive and happy. They are fundamentally important. They are not about the work that we do, but about how we do that work.

General Points

Process roles are not related to Membership of the co-operative. The only exceptions are the Purpose Circle roles and the Co-Circle roles. You do not have to be a Member to fulfil any of the roles beyond these Circles.

Any person may fill more than one role, and roles may be combined. The only exception to this is the Leader and Delegate role.

All roles are selected by the Full Participants of a Circle using the Nominations process. The only exception to this is in the case of the Co-Circle Leader, who must be mutually selected by the Purpose and Co-Circle Full Participants.

Any person may appoint a substitute to cover their role if they are absent from a meeting or that substitute may be appointed by the Facilitator, Secretary, Delegate or Leader.

A Circle may rotate its roles in order to support the learning and development of Full and Learning Circle Participants. However, any agreement to do this must:

(a) notify other Circles of the rotation and record this in the Minutes

(b) evaluate the rotation process and review with each handover

(c) nominate an experienced 'back-stop' person who will co-ordinate handovers and pick up gaps for that particular role

Equal Care Co-op will train all current and prospective Circle Participants in the relevant roles.

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