
this is our legal purpose as a co-operative: we actually have two. The first is about being a co-operative and the second is about what we - Equal Care Co-op - have set ourselves up to do.

What the Rules say

"The purpose of the Co-operative is to carry out its function as a co-operative and to abide by the internationally recognised co-operative values and principles of co-operative identity as defined by the International Co-operative Alliance. This rule may only be amended by an Extraordinary Resolution."

Where the co-operative values and principles came from...

And here are those values and principles, set out below. These are what Equal Care Co-op has signed up to by becoming a co-operative. How are we doing?

Our objects

"The objects of the Co-operative shall be to carry on the business as a co-operative, in particular by delivering a fair, relationship-centred, co-owned care and support service that matches, supports and develops the users and the givers of the services of the Co-operative.

Users of the services of the Co-operative may also give paid and voluntary care and support and participate in any other activities which advance the aims of the Co-operative.

The Co-operative may carry on any other trade, business or service as the Members deem fit."

We know. It's not particularly snappy. But those are the Rules for you.

Last updated