members meetings

not to be confused with board (purpose circle) meetings or working meetings...

what the Rules say

"The Co-operative shall, within six months of the end of the financial year, hold a general meeting of the Members as its annual general meeting and shall specify the meeting as such in the notice calling it.

The business of an annual general meeting shall comprise, where appropriate:

(a) The receipt of the accounts and balance sheet and of the reports of the Board and Auditor (if any).

(b) The appointment of an Auditor, if required.

(c) The election of the Board or the results of the election if held previously by ballot.

(d) The application of profits.

(e) The transaction of any other business included in the notice convening the meeting.

In accordance with the Co-operative Principle of democratic member control, the Co-operative shall ensure that, in addition to the annual general meeting, at least three other general meetings are held annually.

The purpose of these meetings is to ensure that Members are given the opportunity to participate in the decision making process of the Co-operative, review the business planning and management processes and to ensure the Co-operative manages itself in accordance with the co-operative values and principles."

And if the members want a meeting, they don't have to wait for the Board...

"The Board of Directors upon an application signed by one-tenth of the total number of Members, or 100 Members, whichever is the lesser, delivered to the registered office of the Co-operative, shall convene a general meeting.

The purpose of the general meeting shall be stated in the application for and notice of the meeting. No business other than that stated in the notice of the meeting shall be conducted at the meeting."

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